Kate Chen's homepage
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
~ Theodore Roosevelt
Current members
Former members
Spring Festival Couplets | Spring Festival Couplets | 2024 Xmas gifts exchange | Welcome party | Welcome party | 2024 celebrate Kate's birthday |
2024 celebrate Kate's birthday | Chi-En master degree oral examination | Chi-En master degree oral examination | Dinner at the end of the year | Lindsay's lecture | 2023 celebrate Kate's birthday |
Farewell for Tony | Farewell for Andrei | 2023-6 Roland's visit (1) | 2023-6 Roland's visit (2) | 2023-6 Roland's visit (3) | 2023-6 Roland's visit (4) |
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Observational Seismology Lab
Past lab members
Shu-Li Chen 陳淑俐
research assistant (2008~2019 )
Lab administrator
陳淑俐、陳卉瑄、饒瑞鈞 (2008),以高相似度地震群探討台東池上斷層的構造特性,中華民國地質學會與中國地球物理學會九十七年年會暨學術研討會,5月7-9日,台南,國立成功大學,B04-430。
Wei Peng 彭葦
former grad. student (2008-2010)
Formal graduate student (National Taiwan University, NTU)
Master thesis (2010): 2003年台東成功地震對於縱谷斷層地震活動度之影響(Influence of seismicity rate change due to Chengkung earthquake along the Longitudinal Valley fault) (co-supervisor: 胡植慶)
彭 葦、陳卉瑄、胡植慶 (2009),Coulomb Stress Change by the 2003 Mw 6.8 Chenkung earthquake, Taiwan: Effect on Seismicity along the Longitudinal Valley Fault,中國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會98 年年會暨學術研討會,5月6-8日,嘉義,中正大學,S22-O。
Peng, W., K. H. Chen, J. C. Hu (2011), Stress triggering of earthquakes along the Longitudinal Valley fault, eastern Taiwan: The 2003 M6.4 Chengkung earthquake, 2011 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting(美國地球物理年會秋季大會), 05-09 December, San Francisco, California, U.S.A., S13A2254.
Ting-Chen Yeh 葉庭禎
former grad. student (2009-2011)
research assistant [2014~2021 ]
Yeh, T. C., Y. C. Chen, K. H. Chen, and Y. H. Liu (2018, Jun). Single-station classification of tectonic tremors. IRIS Workshop 2018: Foundations, Frontiers, and Future Facilities for Seismology, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A.
Chen, K. H., T. C. Yeh, Y. C. Chen, and Y. H. Liu (2018, Dec).
Single-station classification of tectonic tremors. 2018 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., U.S.A..
Yeh T., K. H. Chen, J. Hu, K. Chao (2010), Investigation of Triggered Tremor in Taiwan, 2010 Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting (WPGM), 22-25 June, Taipei, Taiwan, S21A-056.
葉庭禎、陳卉瑄、胡植慶 (2010),觸發型長低頻振動觀測在台灣的初步調查(A preliminary survey of triggering tremors in Taiwan),中華民國地質學會與中華民國地球物理學會99 年年會暨學術研討會,4月29-30日,台北,台大醫院國際會議中心,1-S-S1-5。
Formal graduate student (NTU)
Master thesis (2011): 臺灣地震與長微震之動態誘發(Dynamic triggering of earthquakes and tremors in Taiwan) (co-supervisor: 胡植慶)
Latest project: Single-station classification of tectonic tremors in Taiwan /urban seismology; Urban seismology
Liu, Y. H., Yen, T. C., *Chen, K. H., Chen, Y., Yen, Y. Y., Yen, H. Y. (2019), Investigation of single-station classification for short tectonic tremor in Taiwan, J. Geophys. Res., 124, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JB017866 (pdf)
Chen, K. H., Yeh, T. C., Johnson, C., Lin, C. H., Lai, Y. C., Shih, M. H. (2022), Whispering of the city: Characteristics and origin of environmental shaking in Taipei metropolitan area, Scientific Reports.
Ting-Chen Yeh, Kate Huihsuan Chen, Christopher Johnson, Cheng-Horng Lin, Ya-Chuan Lai and Min-Hung Shih (2020, Nov). Characteristics and origin of environmental shaking in Taipei City. 中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質 學會109 年年會暨學術研討會, 台北,台灣.
Chen, K. H., T. C. Yeh, Y. H. Liu, T. B. Byrne and H. J. Tai (2019, Dec). The short, weak non-volcanic tremors in Taiwan: The detection challenges, spatiotemporal characteristics, and tectonic origin. 2019 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Chen, K. H., T. C. Yeh, and Y. H. Liu (2019, Jul). Single-station classification of tectonic tremor in Taiwan. The 27th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
葉庭禎、陳卉瑄、林承恩、林郁梅、陳弈尹、陳耀傑、黃致柔(2017年05月)。 「嚴震以待」地震桌遊之簡介。中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會106年年會暨學術研討會,台南,成功大學。
Lindsay Yuling Chuang
former grad. student (2010-2012)
Formal master student (NTNU)
Master thesis (2012): 台灣非火山長微震半自動化偵測系統(A semi-automatic detection system of non-volcanic tremor in Taiwan)
Chuang, L. Y., *Chen, K. H., Wech, A., Byrne, T., Peng, W. (2014), Ambient tremors in a collisional orogenic belt, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 1485–1491,doi:10.1002/2014GL059476.
莊育菱、陳卉瑄、陳淑俐 (2011),台灣地區應變異常訊號與非火山微震訊號之相關性,中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會100 年年會暨學術研討會,5月4-5日,台北,台灣科技大學,2FA-S-S2-11
Chuang, Y. L., K. H. Chen (2011), An automatic detection system for non-volcanic tremors in Taiwan, 2011 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 05-09 December, San Francisco, California, U.S.A., S23B-2252.
莊育菱、陳卉瑄(2012),台灣非火山長微震自動化偵測系統建置,中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會101 年年會暨學術研討會,5月17-18日,桃園,國立中央大學,1-3F-S1-95
Cheng-En Lin 林承恩
former grad. student (2011-2013)
Formal graduate student (NTU)
Master thesis (2013): 利用重複地震監測地殼速度變化:以集集地震的斷層復原行為為例(Monitoring velocity change in the crust using repeating earthquakes: Application to the fault healing process after the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake)(co-supervisor: 胡植慶)
林承恩、陳卉瑄、陳淑俐 (2011),斷層復原示蹤劑:餘震衰減與重複地震波形變化,中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會100 年年會暨學術研討會,5月4-5日,台北,台灣科技大學,2FA-S-S2-10。
Lin, C. E., K. H. Chen, S. H. Hung, J. C. Hu and S. L. Chen (2012), Stronger seismic velocity reduction due to fault zone damage than nearsurface damage: Observation from M>4 repeating earthquakes in Taiwan, 2012 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting(美國地球物理年會秋季大會), 03-07 December, San Francisco, California, U.S.A., S43F-2526.
Eugene Chang 張育群
former grad. student (2011-2013)
Formal graduate student (NTNU)
Master thesis (2013): 建置台灣重複地震自動化偵測系統(Towards automatic detection of repeating earthquakes in Taiwan)
張育群、陳卉瑄、陳淑俐 (2010),利用重複地震探討地殼特性變化,中華民國地質學會與中華民國地球物理學會99 年年會暨學術研討會,4月29-30日,台北,台大醫院國際會議中心,1-S-S2-13。
張育群、陳卉瑄 (2011),宜蘭地區群震之遷徙特性,中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會100 年年會暨學術研討會,5月4-5日,台北,台灣科技大學,2FA-S-S2-14。
Chang, Y. C., K. H. Chen, and S. L. Chen (2012), Repeating earthquakes analysis in the TaiwanRyukyu subduction zone, 2012 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting(美國地球物理年會秋季大會), 03-07 December, San Francisco, California, U.S.A., S21B-2475.
Yu-Lung Tzeng 曾羽龍
former grad. student (2012-2014)
Formal graduate student (National Taiwan University)
Master thesis (2014): 利用琉球隱沒帶導波求取隱沒板塊非均向性(Subducting slab anisotropy inferred from guided wave events in Ryukyu subduction zone (co-supervisor: 胡植慶)
Chen, K. H., Tseng, Y. L., Furumura, T., Kennett, B. (2015), Anisotropy in the subducting slab: Observations from Philippine Sea plate events in Taiwan, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 10248-10255, DOI: 10.1002/2015GL066227.(pdf)
曾羽龍、陳卉瑄、陳淑俐 (2011),尋找馬尼拉隱沒帶之蹤跡: 導波特性與強地動、震波到時異常之關係,中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會100 年年會暨學術研討會,5月4-5日,台北,台灣科技大學,2FA-S-S2-17。
曾羽龍、陳卉瑄、洪淑蕙、胡植慶 (2013),馬尼拉隱沒帶導波行為探討,地球科學聯合研討會,5月13-17日。學生論文比賽優等獎。
Hao Chang 張顥
former grad. student (2013-2015)
工研院 產業服務中心 副管理師
Formal graduate student (NTNU)
Master thesis (2015): 公民地震科學素養問卷之研發與初探 (Development of Citizen Seismoogy Literacy (CLS) in Taiwan)(co-supervisor: 吳昱鋒)
張顥、陳卉瑄、吳昱鋒(2014),自然科種子教師工作坊: 為地震防災素養扎根,地球科學聯合研討會,GE1-。
None Tai 戴心如
former grad. student (2014-2016)
Intel 軟體工程師
Formal graduate student (NTNU)
Master thesis (2016): 臺灣非火山長微震之活動特徵及可能之孕震構造和機制(Characteristics and possible mechanisms of non-volcanic ambient tremor in Taiwan)
Chen, K. H., Tai, H.J., S. Ide, T. Bryne, C. W. Johnson (2018), Tidal modulation and tectonic implication of non-volcanic tremors in Taiwan, J. Geophys. Res., 123, 5945-5964, doi:10.1029/2018JB015663. (pdf)
戴心如、陳卉瑄、莊育菱 (2013),台灣北部長微震偵測系統之建置,地球科學聯合研討會,PP-325。聯合學生論文比賽 特優。
戴心如、陳卉瑄、莊育菱 (2014),長微震活動周期與潮汐力的相關性研究,地球科學聯合研討會,B1-S-S1-218。聯合學生論文比賽 優等。
戴心如、陳卉瑄 (2015),台灣長微震監測系統之現況。地質地物年會。聯合學生論文比賽 優等。
戴心如、陳卉瑄(2016年05月)。台灣自發型長微震之活動特徵、發震構造與機制。中華民國地質學會與中華民國地球物理學會105年年會暨學術研討 會,台北,南港展覽館。PP-316。
朱曼華、陳卉瑄、戴心如(2016年05月)。斷層帶導波初探:以池上斷層為例。中華民國地質學會與中華民國地球物理學會105年年會暨學術研討會, 台北,南港展覽館。PP-309。
Sara Chen 陳奕尹
former grad. student (2015-2017)
Formal graduate student (NTNU)
master thesis (2017): 利用經驗格林函數探討重複地震破裂特性(Investigation of Rupture Process of Small Repeating Earthquakes)(co-supervisor: Ahyi Kim)
Chen, K. H., Chen, I., Kim, A. (2016), Can slip heterogeneity be linked to earthquake recurrence? Geophys. Res. Lett., doi: 10.1002/2016GL069516 (pdf).
陳奕尹、陳卉瑄、金亞伊(2016年05月)。地震破裂行為與週期特性之關係。中華民國地質學會與中華民國地球物理學會105年年會暨學術研討會,台 北,南港展覽館。PP-317。
陳奕尹、陳卉瑄、金亞伊(2017年05月)。利用經驗格林函數探討重複地震破裂特性。中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會106年年會暨學術研討 會,台南,成功大學。
Winne Wu 吳郁柔
former grad. student (2018-2020)
Formal graduate student (NTNU)
master thesis (2020): 利用中央山脈中段地震網尋找新的長微震震源(Search for New Sources of Ambient Tremor Using Local Seismic Network)
吳郁柔、陳卉瑄、戴心如(2016年05月)。利用中央山脈南段地震網尋找新的 長微震震源。中華民國地質學會與中華民國地球物理學會105年年會暨學術 研討會,台北,南港展覽館。PP-312。
吳郁柔、陳卉瑄(2018年05月)。利用中央山脈地震網尋找新的長微震震源。 中華民國地質學會與中華民國地球物理學會107年年會暨學術研討會,嘉義,中正大學。
吳郁柔、陳卉瑄(2019年05月)。利用中央山脈地震網尋找新的長微震震源。 中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會108年年會暨學術研討會,台北,南港展覽館。
Willy Yen 顏元奕
former grad. student (2018-2020)
財團法人中興顧問社 助理研究員
Formal graduate student (NTNU)
master thesis (2020): 臺灣中央山脈南段長微震的定位誤差分析及改進(Analysis and Improvement of Tremor Location Errors in the Southern Central Range of Taiwan) (co-supervisor: 黃信樺)
顏元奕、陳卉瑄、戴心如(2016年05月)。中央山脈南段長微震與超低頻事件的共存?。中華民國地質學會與中華民國地球物理學會105年年會暨學術研 討會,台北,南港展覽館。PP-311。
顏元奕、陳卉瑄、黃信樺(2019年05月)。使用震源掃描法進行中央山脈南段長微震的定位。中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會108年年會暨學 術研討會,台北,南港展覽館。
Henry Chen 陳柏宏
former grad. student (2018-2020)
Synology 軟體測試工程師
Formal graduate student (NTNU)
master thesis (2020): 臺灣重複地震區域特性分析與規模推估(Characteristics and Magnitude Estimation of Repeating Earthquakes in Taiwan)
Chen, P. H., Chen, Y. C., Y. C. Chang, T. C. Yeh, and K. H. Chen (2019, Dec). Characteristics of aseismic slip from Repeating earthquakes in Taiwan. 2019 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, U.S.A..
Allice Hua
former grad. student [2018-2020]
Formal graduate student (NTNU)
Master thesis (2020): 中央山脈南段地震偵測與分析:利用山區臨時地震偵測網(Monitoring of seismicity using newly deployed, local seismic network in southern Central Range)
former grad. student (2019-2021)
財團法人 人工智慧基金會工程師
Formal graduate student (NTNU)
master thesis (2021): 基於單類別分類之構造長微震偵測架構設計(Tectonic tremor detection framework designbased on one-class classification)(co-supervisor: 劉益宏)
吳宇翔、葉庭禎、陳卉瑄(2019年05月)。機器學習「最近鄰居法」用於長微震之判斷與自動分類。中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會108年年會 暨學術研討會,台北,南港展覽館。
Yu-Siang Wu, Ting-Chen Yeh, Kate Huihsuan Huihsuan Chen and Yi-Hung Liu (2020, Nov). Single station discrimination between tectonic tremors and nontremors: Case studies in Taiwan. 中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會109 年年會暨學術研討會, 台北,台灣.
Yu-Siang Wu, Ting-Chen Yeh, Kate Huihsuan Chen and Yi-Hung Liu (2020, Dec). Single Station Discrimination Between Tectonic Tremors and Regional Earthquakes: Case Studies in Taiwan and Parkfield. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (AGU), online everywhere.
Yu-Siang Wu, Ting-Chen Yeh, Kate Huihsuan Chen, Yi-Hung Liu (2021, Nov). From two-class to one-class classification of tectonic tremor in Taiwan. 中華民 國地質學會與中華民國地球物理學會110年年會暨學術研討會, 台北,張榮 發基金會國際會議中心.
former grad. student (2020-2022)
台積電 整合工程師
Formal graduate student (NTU)
Master thesis (2022):
Application of machine learning for efficient classification on tectonic tremors in Taiwan and Shikoku, Japan (co-supervisor: 胡植慶)
Hao-Yu Chiu, Kate Huihsuan Chen, Ting Chen Yeh (2020, Nov). Classification ‐ for Tectonic Tremor and Non-tremor Events Using Continuous Data- Case Studies in Taiwan and Eastern Shikoku, Japan. 中華民國地球物理學會與中華 民國地質學會109 年年會暨學術研討會.
Hao-Yu Chiu, Kate Huihsuan Chen, Kazushige Obara, Jyr Ching Hu (2021, Nov). Application of machine learning for efficient classification on tectonic tremors in Taiwan and Shikoku, Japan. 中華民國地質學會與中華民國地球物 理學會110年年會暨學術研討會, 台北,張榮發基金會國際會議.
Irene 陳柔靜
grad. student 碩三
Investigation of seismic waves traveling along the Peru-Chile subduction zone (納茲卡隱沒帶導波特徵)
Jim T. Tangw 唐健庭
software engineering
資深顧問 VIP
Administrator of linux system
skill: Java, JavaScript, JavaFX, Linux admin, global seismology and
geophysical computing.
Personal webpage or blog:
http://maxubuntu.blogspot.com (blog about linux)
http://maxseismic.blogspot.com (blog about seismic research)
http://maxsolars.blogspot.com (blog about personal live)
Kawamura Masashi 和村將
former postdoc researcher
postdoc researcher
Controls of repeating earthquakes’ location from a- and b- values imaging
Kawamura,M. and *Chen, K. H. (2017), Influences on the location of repeating earthquake determined from a- and b- values imaging, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, doi:10.1002/2017GL073335. (pdf)