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Sep. 2001-Jan. 2008  Ph.D. of Geophysics.

Department of Earth Sciences,
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.

Dissertation: Characteristics of repeating earthquake sequences in eastern Taiwan (in English)

Mar. 2006 – May. 2007 
Visiting student researcher

Berkeley Seismological Lab, USA


1999-2001 Master of Geophysics

Department of Earth Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Thesis: Detecting surface rupture of the Chi-Chi earthquake using Differential SAR Interferometry Technique (in Chinese)


Bachelor of Geophysics
Department of Earth Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan


National Taitung Girls' Senior High School (台東女子高級中學)


Taitung County Hsin-Sheng Junior High School (台東新生國中)

National Taitung University Laboratory Elementary School (台東大學附設實驗國民小學)

Recent Talks (since 2016)


2024/11/25 (Invited talk) Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering, NTU. 

Precursory slow earthquakes before 2024 Mw7.3 Hualien earthquake

2024/10/11 (Invited talk) Dept. of Earth Sciences, NCKU. 

The Role of Slow Slip in Earthquake Cycles: Insight from Aseismic Slip Phenomena in Taiwan

2024/9/13 (invited poster)  International Conference in Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake

The Role of Slow Slip in Earthquake Cycles: Insight from Aseismic Slip Phenomena in Taiwan

2024/7/30 (invited talk) National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center 

Whispering of the city: Characteristics and impact of environmental shaking in the Taipei metropolitan area


2023/9/13 (keynote speech) slow-to-fast earthquake workshop, Japan

The interplay between fast and slow earthquakes and its association with fluid pressure cycling

in a collisional mountain belt

2023/3/8 (invited talk) 5th Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience and Engineering 
Whispering of the city: Characteristics and impact of environment shaking in the Taipei metropolitan area 



2022/12/11 「亞洲文明的堅強與東亞文化的柔軟」系列講座: 亞洲重大地震回顧:臨震態度與震後人生

2022/10/24 民生公共物聯網複合式地震速報服務 產官學交流會:從地震科學看地震預警的未來 


2022/9/15 Slow-to-fast earthquake workshop Segmentation characteristics of deep, low-frequency tremors in Shikoku, Japan, using machine learning approaches 

2022/8/16 戴運軌科學營講座:機器學習在地震學的應用現況與未來展望 

2022/3/18 蓋婭科普講座: 全球暖化加速地震的發生嗎?


2021/11/23 應用地質技師公會 線上演講

2021/11/16 ( CASE lecture) NTU, Taiwan. 


2021/7/28  (Invited talk) NIEP, Romania.

Aseismic slip on a dip-slip creeping fault in Taiwan

2021/4/27  (Invited talk) Berkeley Seismology Lab,  USA.

The nature of a dip-slip creeping fault in Taiwan: How and where it creeps (youtube)



2020/4/16  (Invited talk) Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan Univ. , Taiwan. 

Single-station classification of short and weak tectonic tremors in Taiwan 



2019/7/3 repeating earthquake workshop,  Paris, France. 

The nature of creeping faults: Why, where and how the fault creeps?

​2019/7/8 (seminar talk) ISTerre in Grenoble, France.

The short, small non-volcanic tremors in Taiwan: The detection challenges, spatiotemporal characteristics, and tectonic origin (link)

2019/7/12 (invited talk) IUGG meeting, Canada. 

Citizen Seismology in Taiwan: Past, present, and future 

2019/11/15 (invited talk) Dep. of Earth Sciences, National Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan. 

The slow earthquakes in Taiwan: The science and challenges


​2018/03/23 (Invited talk) 【People First】TDC Life Talk 5th session, Lenovo, Taiwan

14:00-16:00 與地震和平共處

​2018/03/29 (Invited talk) Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan Univ.

10:30 Tidal modulation and tectonic implications of tremors in Taiwan

​2018/04/13 (Invited talk) Institute of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan Univ. 

Detection and Monitoring of aseismic slip

​2018/04/25  (Invited talk)  Dep. of Environmental Sciences, National Chung Cheng Univ.

Monitoring of Slow earthquakes in Taiwan: Current knowledge and Future Challenges

2018/06/06 (invited talk) Pacific Geoscience Centre, Geological Survey of Canada

Tidal modulation and tectonic implications of tremors in Taiwan


​2017/12/11 (Invited talk) AGU fall meeting

T13E-07 Controls of repeating earthquakes’ location from a- and b- values imaging

​2017/12/12 AGU fall meeting

ED24B-03 16:30 - 16:45 Citizen seismology in Taiwan: what went wrong and what is the future?

​2017/4/18 (ignite talk) SSA

Citizen Seismology in Taiwan: Why We Failed and What Is the Future?

​2017/4/18  SSA (2:45 PM Oral, Governor's Square 15 )

Modeling Repeating Earthquake Interactions: Triggering Effect from Nearby Microseismicity


2016/11/9 (invited) 清華大學工程與系統科學系
Forensic Seismoloy: What seismic signals can tell us?


2016/5/16 (invited) TGA 科學教育研討會
Earthquake school in the cloud: the present and future of citizen seismology

2016/8/2 (invited) AOGS SE25 session
Anisotropy in the subducting slab: Observation and simulation of intermediate depth Philippine Sea plate earthquakes in Taiwan

Extracurricular awards received

Badminton tournaments 羽球類

1999 第五屆成大羽球公開賽 女子甲組單打 第三名
2001 第七屆成大羽球公開賽 女子甲組雙打 第三名
2001 第七屆成大羽球公開賽 混合甲組雙打 第一名
2001 九十學年度 國立成功大學 系際盃女子羽球賽 最有價值球員
2002 第八屆成大羽球公開賽 女子甲組單打 第三名
2002 第八屆成大羽球公開賽 女子甲組雙打 第三名
2003 第九屆成大羽球公開賽 混合甲組雙打 第一名
2004 第十屆成大羽球公開賽 女子甲組雙打  第一名
2004 第十屆成大羽球公開賽 混合甲組雙打 第一名
2005 第七屆全民盃女子乙組雙打 第二名
2005 第七屆全民盃混合乙組雙打 第一名
2006 Bay Area Open (Yonex) B-level女雙 敗冠
2007 Bay Area Open (Yonex) B-level女雙 敗冠
2007 Bay Area Open (Yonex) B-level混雙 冠軍
2008 台北市青年盃 女雙亞軍
2008 Berkeley Open B-level, C-level 女雙 冠軍
2009 成大羽球公開賽女青雙 冠軍
2009 成大羽球公開賽混青雙 冠軍
2009 Berkeley Open A-level 女雙敗冠
2009 Berkeley Open B-level 女雙冠軍
2010 第39屆勝利清晨盃 35歲組夫妻甲組 亞軍
2011第40屆勝利清晨盃 30歲組乙組混雙 季軍
2012台中市大都會盃 29歲以下組女雙季軍

2016 台大校慶盃 女子組雙打  亞軍
2022 大師盃校內組 混雙冠軍

2023 台大校慶盃 女子雙打亞軍 混雙冠軍

2023 成大公開賽 壯年組 混雙殿軍


Long distance running 田徑類

1995 八十五學年度國立成功大學新生盃田徑賽  女子組一千五百公尺  第四名
1996 八十五學年度國立成功大學全校運動大會田徑賽  女子組五千公尺 第一名
1997 八十六學年度國立成功大學全校運動大會田徑賽  女子組五千公尺 第二名
1997 八十六學年度國立成功大學全校運動大會田徑賽  女子組一千五百公尺 第四名
1997 八十六學年度國立成功大學全校運動大會田徑賽  女子組一千六百公尺接力 第一名
1999 八十八學年度國立成功大學全校運動大會田徑賽  女子組一千五百公尺 第四名
2004 九十二學年度國立成功大學師生校園路跑   學生女子組 第三名
2011 Adidas酷跑接力94:39完成六人接力
2011 AGU fall meeting 5K run (26:08 min)

2013 AGU fall meeting 5K run (29:46 min)

2019.1 渣打台北公益馬拉松 半馬 (2 hr 30 min) 
​2020 長榮10 K (59 min)

Previous Talks (before 2015)


  • 2015/3/27 TEC 塵封的裂痕 -歷史地震第五講
    1951年花蓮台東地震序列: 跳躍式的觸發行為 (youtube)

  • 2015/7/15 (invited) Yokohama City Univ., Japan (橫濱市立大學國際總和科學部 物質科學系)
    Stress interaction and triggering of repeating earthquakes: from 2D to 3D stress computation

  • 2015/10/5 (invited) Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions, Tohoku Univ., Japan
    Continental subduction induced tremor activity?

  • 2015/10/20 (invited) JAMSTEC, Japan
    Continental subduction induced tremor activity?

  • 2015/11/24 (invited) Dep. of Physics, National Central Univ., Taiwan
    Unlock the secrets of slow earthquakes in Taiwan?



  • 2014/11/19 「地震防災大三角 - 搭建新知技術與科普傳播的橋樑」國際研討會 

  • 2014/11/21 台大地質科學系
    Understanding the nature of stress interaction and triggering of repeating earthquakes 

  • 2014/12/14 AGU invited presentation (Citizen Seismology Session)
    Citizen Seismologists in Taiwan

  • 2014/12/17 AGU presentation
    Slab anisotropy inferred from subduction zone gudied waves

  • 2014/5/29 (invited) Yokohama City Univ., Japan (橫濱市立大學國際總和科學部 物質科學系)
    Healing of near-surface and fault zone damage following the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake: Observation and simulation of repeating earthquakes

  • 2014/4/17 (invited) Tonji Univ., China (中國同濟大學 海洋地質國家重點實驗室)
    Healing of near-surface and fault zone damage following the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake: Observation and simulation of repeating earthquakes



2013/12/20 (invited) Department of Earth Sciences and Institute of Geophysics (中央大學地科系兼地物所) 
Unlock the secrets of slow earthquakes in Taiwan?



2013/12/4  USGS Earthquake Center Seminar

Healing of near-surface and fault zone damage following the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake: Observation and simulation of repeating earthquakes. streaming video clip


2013/11/21 (invited) "從車籠埔斷層看過去現在與未來"國際學術研討會  Towards earthquake school in the cloud (地震科學在雲端: 科學平民化的新未來)  streaming video clip


2013/11/19 (invited) Department of Geophysics, Peking Univ. (北京大學地球物理系)

Healing of near-surface and fault zone damage following the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake: Observation and simulation of repeating earthquakes.


2013/11/18 (invited) Instiute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Science (中國科學院地質與地球物理所)

Healing of near-surface and fault zone damage following the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake: Observation and simulation of repeating earthquakes.


2013/11/14 成功大學通識講座: 那一年,我在成大的日子


2013/10/1 (invited)  Earthquake Research Instiute, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
Healing of near-surface and fault zone damage following the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake: Observation and simulation of repeating earthquakes.


2013/7/9 (invited) Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions, Tohoku Univ., Japan

Thrust fault strengthening after the 1999 M7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake


​2013/6/11 Sixth French-Taiwanese Frontiers of Science (FTFoS Symposium)​

Frontier in Disaster Prevention and Prediction (ppt)

2013/5/28 東部隱沒帶專家會議


2013/5/14 2013 TGA meeting 台灣地球科學聯合研討會

Earthquake school in the cloud (雲端的地震學校)

2013/4/25 (invited)  桃園市南崁高中2013年科學講座


2013/3/21 2013 ISGC meeting

Grid-enabled earthquake science in high school:
Experience from High Scope Project

2013/3/10 第六屆台法前鋒科學論壇​(國內養成會議)

Frontier in Disaster Prevention and Prediction

2013/3/5 (invited)  新北市南山高中2013年春季科學講座


2012/12/7 2012 AGU fall meeting (invited)  ​

  Non-volcanic tremors, earthquake swarms, hybrid events, and their association with orogenic fluid flow in Taiwan (T52A)

2012/12/4 2012 AGU fall meeting 
The HSP, the QCN, and the Dragon: Developing inquiry-based QCN instructional modules in Taiwan (S21A)

​2012/10/15 (invited) 私立中國文化大學地質學系 

​2012/10/2 (invited) 國立東華大學自然資源與環境學系 

​2012/8/31 (invited) 2012 International Conference on Education Embedded with Emerging Technologies: Symposium on Partnerships among Universities and High Schools   ​Grid-enabled earthquake Science in high school

2012/8/13-17 2012 AOGS meeting (invited)  ​

High frequency waves guided by the subducted plates underneath Taiwan and their association with seismic intensity anomalies (SE55)

2012/8/13-17 2012 AOGS meeting  ​

Do earthquake talk to each other? Triggering and interaction of repeating sequences at Parkfield (SE76)

2012/3/20 IES, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

High frequency waves guided by the subducted plates underneath Taiwan and their association with seismic intensity anomalies

2012/2/28 2012 ISGC meeting (invited)  ​

The HSP, the QCN, and the Dragon: Developing inquiry-based QCN instructional modules in Taiwan​

2012/1/3 Dep. Of Geoscience, National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan (invited)   ​

High frequency waves guided by the subducted plates underneath Taiwan and their association with seismic intensity anomalies



2011/12/09 2011 AGU fall meeting (invited) ​​

High frequency waves guided by the subducted plates underneath Taiwan and their association with seismic intensity anomalies [ T52C]

2011/12/09 2011 AGU fall meeting
Healing of near-surface and fault zone damage induced by the 1999 M7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake [ T12C]

2011/12/22 台北市師大附中科學講座: 解讀地震波​​

2011/6/17 新北市樹林高中科學講座:海嘯地震啟示錄​

2011/4/29 臺南市家齊女中  高中優質化「科學月活動」:海嘯地震啟示錄​

2011/4/28 新北市南山高中2011年春季科學講座:海嘯地震啟示錄​

2011/3/4 Dep. of Geoscience, National Taiwan Univ. ​(invited)

Seismic wave propagation damage caused by the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake​

2011/1/28 Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Research Organization of Information and Systems, Japan​​ (invited)

​Triggering and Interaction of repeating sequences at Parkfield

2011/1/21 Earthquake Research Institute, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan​ (invited)

Healing of subsurface damage after the 1999 M7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake measured from repeating earthquakes​

2011/1/12 NIED, Japan​ (invited)

Postseismic variation in seismic moment and recurrence interval of small repeating earthquakes​

2011/1/7 Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions, Tohoku Univ., Japan​(RCPEVE)  (invited)​

Triggering and Interaction of repeating sequences at Parkfield​


​​before 2010~

2010/12/24 Research Center for Earthquake Prediction, Kyoto Univ., Japan (RCEP) ​ (invited)

Postseismic variation in seismic moment and recurrence interval of small repeating earthquakes​

2008/11/19 Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan ​​(invited)

The Nature of Earthquake Recurrence and Interaction: Insights from Repeating Microearthquake​

2008/11/13 Department of Geosciences & Institute of Geophysics, National Central University, Taiwan​ (invited)

How do the repeating earthquakes at Parkfield talk to each other?

2008/10/28 Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan (invited)​

​Toward the nature of repeating microearthquakes​

2008/10/03 Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taiwan​ (invited)

​Triggering effect of M>4 earthquakes on the earthquake cycle of repeating events at Parkfield​

 2008/05/29 Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan​ (invited)

How do the repeating earthquakes at Parkfield talk to each other?​

 2007/03/02 Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, Taiwan​ (invited)

​Characteristics and identification of repeating earthquakes

2006/10 Earthquake Hazards Team, USGS in Menlo Park, USA. (invited) Repeating earthquakes on a rapidly creeping thrust fault: the Chihshang fault in eastern Taiwan (link)

2005/06 Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University

​A triggered reverse faulting sequence along an arc-continent collision boundary: The 1951 Hualien

2005/06 Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University

Forecasting the evolution of seismicity.

2005/05 Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University

​Characteristic Repeating Microearthquakes on an Arc-continent Collision Boundary - the Chihshang fault

2005/02 Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions, Tohoku Univ., Japan​​ (invited)

​Characteristic Repeating Microearthquakes on the Chihshang Fault, Eastern Taiwan.

2005/02 AIST, Japan​

​Characteristic Repeating Microearthquakes on the Chihshang Fault, Eastern Taiwan

Kate Huihsuan

Chen's homepage


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